Tuesday, March 24, 2020

10 Tips for Personal Development

10 Tips for Personal Development 10 Ways to Implement Personal and Professional Development Into Your Life Chapters1. Understand the Origins of Personal Development2. Create an Individualized Personal Development Definition3. Identify What Area Needs Some Self-Help4. Starting to Develop Your Human Potential5. Set a Specific Goal6. Developing Self Management by Making a Timeline7. Acquire the Materials You Will Need to Learn New Skills8. Solving Problems Before Starting Your Journey9. Find the Right Resources for Your Personal Development10. How to Practice Development DailyWhile personal development opportunities sound complicated in theory, development opportunities are actually much simpler and easier to take advantage of. If you’re interested in learning how to optimize finishing your to do list or how you can learn new skills â€" these tips will give you some guidance. From understanding what personal development goals are to how to draft personal development plans â€" this will give you the insight you need to get started. TraceyPersonal development Teacher 4.93 (9) £25/h1st less on free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AntonellaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors IsamPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CarriePersonal development Teacher £24/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndriyPersonal development Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MichelePersonal development Teacher 4.73 (7) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlloydPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors1. Understand the Origins of Personal DevelopmentIf you’re ever heard of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, you already know the basics of how the field of personal development was formed. If you haven’t, here’s a quick intro to give you the foundation you’ll need on your journey to improve your personal development skills.While you may wa nt to work on your emotional intelligence, soft skills or management skills right away, Maslow’s theory suggests you may want to restructure the way you think about self-improvement. Originally published in a 1943 paper entitled “A Theory of Human Motivation,” psychologist Abraham Maslow suggested that self-development happens in a series of stages.Shaped like a pyramid, these stages actually refer to a set of needs that need to be fulfilled in order to be able to complete the next set of needs, in order of most importance. While it is by no means a perfect theory, it has shaped the way we think about self-help.In other words, Maslow’s theory suggests that before you can start to think about improving job interview skills or communication skills, you need to have some basic needs met: safety, love, shelter, respect from others, and more.Personal development planning can be a fun enterprise2. Create an Individualized Personal Development DefinitionWhile looking at the origins of personal growth theories can help you get a better grasp of the kind of development skills you’ll need on your journey, it’s equally as important for you to draw up your own definitions for personal development.In other words, take a moment of self-awareness and self-confidence and reflect upon what you view personal development to be. This sort of self-knowledge will be an important tool in maintaining effective communication with yourself throughout the process.Find self-development courses near you with a private tutor.3. Identify What Area Needs Some Self-HelpAnother way to look at skills development is to understand that, while being an extremely broad field, it can generally be boiled down into three categories: individual, knowledge or career development.Individual development deals with the kinds of skills training involved in fitness and mental health. These personal skills are less about technical skills like PowerPoint presentation skills and more about exercising your mind and body.Knowledge development involves the sort of development skills that will increase our personal knowledge. Whether that be by taking development courses such as photography lessons or by participating in time management workshops.Career development involves improving the soft or hard skills that can be found on your CV or, in other words, increase your employability. This category can extend to cover skills like non-verbal communication, conflict resolution, or even the interpersonal skills that will lead to a better rapport amongst your colleagues.Defining your personal development through one of these three categories can help give your outlook on personal development an adaptability necessary for changing times and priorities.4. Starting to Develop Your Human PotentialBefore looking into any development programs or tackling your personal goals, the first task you will have to accomplish on your journey is create a personal development plan.While always welcome, you don’t need a life coach or a mentor to be able to decide what you’ll need to accomplish in order to attain your new skills. Whether you’re considering serious career exploration, want to improve your professional skills, or simply desire to boost your life skills â€" you won’t be able to refine your abilities without a plan.Drawing on all the leadership skills you’ve acquired thus far, clear out some time every week to, first, develop your plan and, second, to either execute your plan or to keep in touch with your progress. TraceyPersonal development Teacher 4.93 (9) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AntonellaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors IsamPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CarriePersonal development Teacher £24/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Andriy Personal development Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MichelePersonal development Teacher 4.73 (7) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlloydPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors5. Set a Specific GoalGoal setting is step number one in your growth and development journey. When drafting your development plan, not only will having a specific goal make it a lot easier to give your plan some direction â€" it has actually been proven to be a vital step in anything related to self-improvement.Needless to say, before diving headfirst into working on your transferable job skills, make sure to define a hard and achievable set of goals for yourself. If you need any more persuasion that this will help you stick to your plan, check this guide out.Personality development can lead to different employment opportunities6. Developing Self Management by Making a TimelineAvoid procrastination and practice some assertiveness by establishing a timeline for your progression. In order to do this, you’ll need to identify all the steps you’ll need to take in order to achieve your goals.Whether your plan simply involves enrolling in courses or it will require that you learn a whole new skill set, make sure to work out how long each step in your plan is projected to take. This kind of organisation will both give you a better sense of how close you are to reaching your set goals and also provide you with the motivation you’ll need to get there.7. Acquire the Materials You Will Need to Learn New SkillsThis tip applies whether you’re working on employability skills, writing skills or your career planning. Sometimes, understanding the skills list you will need to follow in order to accomplish what you set out to do won’t be enough.In fact, self-improvement is surprisingly very rarely a solo enterprise. Understanding what you will need to execute your development plan, from buying new art materials to ge tting a library card, is extremely important.This tip can come in handy especially for people who are working with a budget. Having a clear sense of what materials you’ll need and how much it will cost you will allow you to adjust your plans as necessary. For example, if you know what a certain language course will cost you, you’ll be more inclined to either save up for it or modify your budget in order to participate in it.8. Solving Problems Before Starting Your JourneyWhether you’re working on conflict management, your people skills, or simply want to improve yourself by reading more â€" there are a few things to keep in mind before setting off to accomplish great things.The first is to know the importance of being able to identify your bad habits. While you may already know some of the practices that hold you back, such as procrastination or over-eating, being able to spot more implicit bad habits can help reduce the setbacks you’ll experience on your journey.The second involves understanding how a positive attitude can impact your success. By maintaining a positivity work ethic, you will be able to approach obstacles with a more calibrated and creative approach.The last involves a bit of introspection. Even if you’re just working on personal development for career purposes, taking stock of how you feel throughout the process of self-growth improve your experience. Whether you plan deals with work life or your nutrition, being able to take determine what actions trigger positive or negative feelings can aid in making your self-improvement a more meaningful experience.Whether this last bit is accomplished through journaling daily or by simply talking to a friend, having an outlet to express the accomplishments or frustrations of your progression will make a huge difference.Practice self-improvement a couple hours a week9. Find the Right Resources for Your Personal DevelopmentWith your development plans in hand, you are now ready to implement your personal or career goals and make some great things happen. While maintaining mental or verbal communication with yourself is one way you can continue to practice self-growth, another method can be by checking out the various guides, books and materials that deal with self improvement.While self-help materials tend to call up images of unscientific novels that harm more than they improve, these resources have actually been given a major boost by technology. While social media is a great way of connecting with or broadcasting your personal-development journey, you can also turn to other media such as online workshops and podcasts.10. How to Practice Development DailyWhile following your development plans is already a great new habit to practice, you can continue to change your life by practicing personal development in your daily life. While this might sound like an added burden to your already ambitious self-growth plans, it can actually help with stress management.Practicing mindfu lness is not only something you can apply to your development goals, but also to your general well-being. Mindfulness is a breathing and mental exercise that is similar to meditation. Clearing your mind a bit before the start of your day or after stressful situations can help you regain some emotional equilibrium.

Friday, March 6, 2020

homework help in math

homework help in math Every child I meet make me feels that he or she is going to be a big thing in future. Everyone wants to become successful and thus being successful means having a good background and a prosperous future. When you have a good career ahead nothing but it only gives you self dependence and relaxation that your future is secured. Not only the kids, but also their respective parents even want their child to get a better future for tomorrow. Today different career opportunities have arrived in and that helps a child to pursue their dreams into reality. When you have a dream, every single student wants to change it to reality. The entire path is difficult and so a guidance can help you to change your dreams into reality. But before we had lots of such issues that were unable to be mended and they were that every child should be having enough knowledge on some of the particular subject and among which mathematics and science were primary. Today also there is similar scenario where every child has to learn mathematics and have to have a strong base over the subject. Mathematics is such a subject in which you have to do everything. From memorizing the formula to learning the methods of doing a sum, every single thing has to be kept in mind. To know the subject in-depth you need good teacher and great way of assistance that will help you land up easily with the subject and with less hurdle. School level teaching is not enough and it is not possible for any student to acquire every single detail whatever is taught at school. So, for good and proper learning you need something more and that something more is help from private tutors. Today the availability of private tutors is found largely and so every private tutor aim to provide you with the best tutoring guide. But are they really able to fulfill their dreams with the help of such teachers. It seems to be doubtful and so the importance of private tutors has decreased to a large extent. Tutoring facility at its best New way of tutoring facility has taken up most of the space of learning process of the society and so students tend to avail such type of services. It is new yet of great avail. Online tutoring process is the new trend of learning. Have you ever heard about it? If no then now is the time to learn what the entire concept is about and how can the teaching process follow. Every child at the present era is very capable to use internet and can be said to be tech savvy. They know the influences of internet and every bit of it that how it can be used. For such kids online tutoring is the best way through which they can get the best teaching and that also within their own limitations. Now it’s time that you should know about the pros and cons of the entire learning process so that you get a clear concept about what the entire process is all about. Advantages of online tutoring Let us note down some of the online tutoring facilities and benefits that will help you to know about the entire process.   Good availability of teachers- This is one of the best way through which you can get best learning. The entire domain of teachers is very efficient and knows how to help each student in their own way. The appointment process of the teachers is conducted through a very tough way and so the best results only come out. The qualified teachers are only entertained and it depends on the institute as whom will they choose. No limitation over classes- Another important facility is that the online tutoring facility does not have time limitation. When you are into the class then the class can keep going till the time you want the class to go. It entirely depends on the student as how they will manage the class and how can they get most help by attending such classes. One-on-one service- One of the best is that if you are a shy student and cannot open up with your problems regarding mathematics. As mathematics is one of the tough subjects so it needs special attention and care for those students who are rather weak in it. So, a good and expert teacher can only help you survive in this situation. So, when you have an assured guidance for your help then you can easily come out of any problem related with any tough subject even. Huge comfort- the best part of online tutoring is that the student can get unlimited comfort when they attend the classes. You can attend the classes while sitting at home at your favorite couch. This increases your concentration power as well as helps you to learn the subject faster and better. No extra charges- if you go for any private tuition classes then you have to spend many things altogether. You have to spend your time, your energy and also your transportation charges. But here no such charges have to be paid. You are availing your classes while sitting at home and so you do not have to spend on transport, neither will you have waste of time and energy. You may now seem to be in a dilemma as which institute to go for who will lend you all these services. So, here also I can help you and suggest you to give a look at Tutor Pace. It is one of the reputed institutes that have some of the best features along with the above features. The charges also are not very high and so a middle class family can easily afford it. So, from now on-wards it won’t be a problem at all if you get stuck somewhere in mathematics as Homework Help in Math is easily available at Tutor Pace.

Commonly Mispronounced French Words And Phrases - And Their Correct Pronunciation

Commonly Mispronounced French Words And Phrases - And Their Correct Pronunciation Sign up successful For example, “petit” and “petite” are pronounced like this: Another example would be “bon appétit” and “bon appétite” which are pronounced like this: A mistake I also hear all the time is not pronouncing the last consonant of a word when the next word starts with a vowel. For example, “C’est un plaisir” where the “t” is pronounced because the next word starts with a vowel. However, in “C’est bien” the “t” is not pronounced because the next word starts with a consonant. Remember, this applies every time a word ending in a consonant is followed by a word starting with a vowel. Common French Words And Their Pronunciation Now let’s get more specific and discuss a few common French words that you most likely will use when practicing your French. A ton of new French learners tend to pronounce these (and others like these) incorrectly, and if you want to learn French, you have to master at least these sounds. You may or may not have the whole French accent down, but regardless, just try your best to at least get the sounds of each word right â€" whether or not you sound French, it’s not necessary. Rather than go through this list and try pronouncing them yourselves, then listen to the correct pronunciation to see if you got it right. Bonjour/Au revior Hello/Goodbye Croissant/Crêpe Croissant/Crepe Aujourd’hui/Demain Today/Tomorrow Zéro/Un/Deux/Trois Zero/One/Two/Three Quatre/Cinq/Six Four/Five/Six Sept/Huit/Neuf/Dix Seven/Eight/Nine/Ten Common French Phrases And Their Pronunciation Next, let’s focus on phrases and sentences in French. Pronouncing words can be tricky and difficult for those who don’t have the accent or the pronunciation down. And sadly, speaking sentences can be even more difficult and tricky because of the natural flow French demands of its speakers. In French, if you mispronounce a word or stumble over a phrase within a sentence, the entire sentence itself can become jumbled or result in the other person not understanding what you just said or were trying to say. There is a distinct flow in French when speaking correctly and new French learners might have a tough time getting the flow right. Let’s try pronouncing the following sentences and phrases to see how well you do. Read them out loud yourself first then hear the correct pronunciation to see if you got it right. Répétez sil vous plaît? Repeat, please? Quel âge avez-vous? How old are you? A tout à lheure. See you later. Comment dit-on ___ en français? How do you say ___ in French? Ce nest pas grave. It’s alright. Parlez-vous anglais? Do you speak English? Parlez lentement, sil vous plait. Speak slowly, please. How did you do? If you had trouble that’s okay â€" just keep practicing. If you did alright but didn’t have the accent that’s okay too â€" just keep mimicking other French speakers. And if you did great well that’s wonderful! French is a difficult language but give it time and you will be a great speaker! Emmanuel M. teaches singing and songwriting exclusively online. A California State University, Fullerton graduate and native Spanish speaker, he also teaches essay writing, study skills, and Spanish. Learn more about Emmanuel here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  Glen Scarborough

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Japanese Lessons Belfast

Japanese Lessons Belfast Why Take Japanese Courses? ChaptersWhat Kinds Of Japanese Courses Are Out There?Short Japanese CoursesIntensive Japanese ClassesOnline Japanese ClassesOther Japanese Class FormatsFind A Japanese Course That Works For YouThere are so many reasons why you might like to study Japanese. Despite the language’s reputation as being difficult to learn, with some dedication and commitment you may well find yourself making strides in the language.Being able to speak Japanese has many advantages. For example, knowing some Japanese may:Help you navigate your way around Japan if you ever find yourself there for a holiday or for work;Improve your career prospects, especially if you work with a lot of Japanese-speaking clients or companies;Improve your chances of learning other Asian languages, such as Korean.So, whether you’ve never studied a foreign language before, or you’re already familiar with the basics of Japanese and would like to improve your proficiency, one of the best ways to get better when it comes to yo ur Japanese reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills is to take Japanese classes.You might wonder whether Cardiffians also take Japanese language lessons... You might want to take Japanese lessons if you plan on travelling to Japan in the future There are lots of different class formats when learning Japanese, from one to one lessons to group classes NanaJapanese Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YukoJapanese Teacher 5.00 (3) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EllyJapanese Teacher 5.00 (1) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MomokoJapanese Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MelanieJapanese Teacher £14/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JamesJapanese Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PippaJapanese Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarikoJapanese Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsIntensive Japanese ClassesAnother format that you might find when researching different types of Japanese courses is the intensive Japanese course.Although such Japanese lessons will typically be held over a short period of time (like short courses) the difference is that in an intensive course, more mater ial is typically covered, with the aim of getting the class participant(s) to a particular proficiency level in a short space of time.As an example, say that you need to learn basic conversational Japanese because you’re due to move to Japan for a year in two months’ time. In such a case, an intensive course may be the best option, as you can try to learn the basics of Japanese within that time.Naturally, to achieve these goals, it means that intensive courses often require more input and effort from the participant, but the rewards can be significant.Greater Manchester also has exciting Japanese lessons...Online Japanese ClassesIf you’re unable to get to a Japanese class in person, or you prefer learning Japanese from the comfort of your own home, then online Japanese lessons can be worth considering.There are plenty of Japanese language programmes available that offer online-only lesson formats, with some of the most common examples being language learning apps such as Duoli ngo.Alternatively, you could also consider hiring a Japanese tutor for online lessons from Superprof. Superprof has tutors across a range of modern languages, from Russian to French and Japanese, so it’s just a case of searching for a Japanese tutor that is happy to offer online lessons and who sounds like a good match for you.If online Japanese lessons are a route you’d like to go down, it’s worthwhile seeing whether your teacher is able to help you practice your Japanese speaking skills remotely as well, for example through a platform such as Skype.This is because it can be easy to neglect your speaking skills when learning a language online. However, it’s best to continue improving your Japanese speaking skills and overall conversational ability, while you continue to learn and get better when it comes to your listening, reading, and writing skills in Japanese.Do you know why Japanese language lessons in Birmingham are unique? You can also learn Japanese online through language learning appsOther Japanese Class FormatsThere are many other types of class formats as well when it comes to learning foreign languages. For example, there are:Business courses for Japanese, which focus on teaching you how to work within a Japanese-speaking environment, from sending emails to speaking in business meetings;One to one Japanese language lessons, which gives the student much more study time with a teacher than would otherwise be possible in a group class;Group Japanese classes, which are a very popular format and allow a number of people, from small groups to larger class sizes, to learn about particular aspects of the Japanese language.The type of Japanese class that works for you will be dependent on a lot of different factors.For instance, if you only want to learn Japanese to become conversational in the language, then you’re likely to be better suited to a class that focuses on the fundamentals of the Japanese l anguage (such as basic grammar, vocabulary, the alphabet, and basic conversation) rather than a class that is very specific in nature (such as a business course) or is designed for already advanced speakers.Japanese language lessons in Leeds also offer conversational tuition...There are language course providers in Belfast that offer a range of course formats, so hopefully, there is one that best suits your circumstances.Language Trainers, for examples, offers a variety of Japanese classes, including one to one general Japanese courses, one to one business Japanese courses, and two to one and small group Japanese courses (although for these courses the students “must have the same language needs, be able to study at the same time at the same place and be at the same level”).Listen Learn also offers a similar range of Japanese courses and offers online options, such as Skype lessons for general and business Japanese, whether that’s in a one on one format or in a group setting. Discover the wealth of Japanese lessons to be had in London!Find A Japanese Course That Works For YouUltimately, if you want to start learning Japanese from scratch or you just want to improve your conversational Japanese, it’s important to find a course that suits you, in terms of cost, lesson delivery and course content, length, and location.If you’d prefer to learn Japanese from the comfort of your own home, or you have specific objectives you’d like to reach when learning Japanese, why not see whether tuition with a Superprof tutor can work for you?Just enter your postcode and select the language you’d like to learn to find tutors in your area to choose from.Not in Belfast? Discover where you can take Japanese lessons in a city near you...

Study the Grammar of Phrasal Verbs ?? - Easy English Grammar

Study the Grammar of Phrasal Verbs ?? - Easy English Grammar Phrasal verbs are very common in everyday English.  Learning the definitions of phrasal verbs and understanding the grammar of phrasal verbs are probably the biggest challenges for ESL students.We often hear from our students that they hate phrasal verbs.So what are phrasal verbs, and why are they so difficult? Understanding the Grammar of Phrasal Verbs Generally phrasal verbs are verbs that consist of two parts.The first part is always a verb (give, break, cut, get, etc.) and the second part is a particle (a preposition or adverb).Sometimes phrasal verbs consist of a verb and two particles (an adverb and a preposition). The particle changes the original meaning of the verbs.Together as a phrase they have a completely different meaning as compared to the verb itself.The meanings of some phrasal verbs are rather easy to understand. They are still close to the original meaning of the verb. (get up, fall through, sit down)However, if a phrasal verb is idiomatic, it has a special meaning that we cannot easily guess.Usually a phrasal verb has a non-phrasal synonym, but this is not always the case.For example:To give up = to quitTo set up = to establishTo find out = to discover Types of Phrasal Verbs There are five main types of phrasal verbs. These are:INTRANSITIVE PHRASAL VERBSIntransitive phrasal verbs phrasal verbs which do not need an objectTo grow up â€" to matureExample: Children grow up so fast.To pass out â€" to faintExample: When Ann heard the bad news, she passed out.To pull over â€" to stop at the side of the roadExample: Pull over, we need to ask for directions. Enjoyed this infographic? Here's what you do next: TRANSITIVE PHRASAL VERBSTransitive phrasal verbs phrasal verbs which must have an object.1.Transitive phrasal verbs where the particle can be before or after the object.To put on â€" to dress oneself in smthExample: I think I’ll put on my coat.(the particle is placed before the object)I think I’ll put it on.(the particle is placed after the object)To pack smth in â€" to finish with smthExample:She packed in a well-paid job. (the particle is placed before the object)She packed a well-paid job in. (the particle is placed after the object)2.  Transitive phrasal verbs where the particle is always placed after the objectTo see smb off â€" to accompany smb to their place of departureExample: Are you going to the airport to see your friends off?To get smb down â€" to depress smbExample: The bad weather this summer is getting me down.When the object is a personal pronoun, the particle is ALWAYS placed after the object.To pick up â€" to give smb a liftI’ll pick up my son from school at 4.30.I’ll pick you up from school at 4.30.  NOT I’ll pick up you from school at 4.30.To ring up â€" to telephone smbI rang up the manager.I rang him up. NOT I rang up him.3.  Transitive phrasal verbs where the particle is always placed before the object.To count on smb â€" to rely on smbExample: You can always count on Jane to give you good advice.To take after smb â€" to resemble smbExample: Sarah takes after her mother.To decide on â€" to choose, to make up one’s mind about smthExample: Have you decided on a name for you baby yet?To give up â€" to quitExample: He had to give up cigarettes. BUT He had to give them up.4.  Transitive phrasal verbs with two objects, one is placed before the particle and one after.To rush smb into smth â€" to cause smb to make a quick decision without considering the optionsExample: The estate agent tried to rush us into buying an old house.To talk smb into smth â€" to persuade smb to agree to smthExample: The salesperson tried to talk me into buying a new car.Phrasal verbs that consist of three parts, the verb and two particles. In this case the object always placed last.To come up against smb/smth â€" to be confronted with or opposed by smb/smthExample: We didn’t expect to come against so many issues.To put up with smb/smth â€" to tolerateExample: I’ve put up with your complaints long enough.There are probably more transitive verbs than intransitive. Some intransitive verbs can become transitive by the addition of a direct object, but the meaning may change:He had to slow down immediately. (intransitive â€" decreased speed)The driver had to slow the car down. (transitive â€" same meaning)What time did the plane take off? (intransitive â€" left the ground)Matthew took off the coat. (transitive â€" removed his coat â€" different meaning)We will go through the different meanings of phrasal verbs in our next lessons.We hope that now you are more comfortable with the grammar of phrasal verbs and the structure of phrasal verbs.It is always a good idea to keep a dictionary with you, it will help you identify the correct structure you should use for each phrasal verb. Grammar of phrasal verbs is also explained in details on  British Council website.

How to say SORRY in English - Different ways to apologise in English

How to say SORRY in English - Different ways to apologise in English My new student understands that his English is not as good as he would like and spends a lot of time saying sorry for his poor English. If he did not have poor English and a desire to improve it I would not have a job!It got me thinking of the different ways in which we may say sorry in English. Different Ways to Say SORRY in English SORRY:  Sorry  is used in lots of different situations to express your feelings.I am sorry  for hurting your feelings. I am  sorry  for your troubles.FORGIVE ME:  A little more formal but has the same meaning.Please forgive me  for my unkind words. Please forgive me  for not inviting you to the party.I BEG YOUR PARDON:  A bit old fashioned but still used in some circles. We want someone to forgive us for some words or action so we sayI  beg your pardon can you please forget what I said!EXCUSE ME:  This can be used both to say sorry and to interrupt someone.Excuse me  for my bad manners allow me to carry that for you! Excuse me  for interrupting but could I ask you a question.I REGRET: I regret  what I said I should have thought about it more carefully before speaking.I regret  that you believe this malicious article it is not really true.I APOLOGISE:  Please let me apologise  for my outburst yesterday. I was upset and full of emotion.I apologise  on behalf of the airline. The flight was unduly detained because of bad weather.PLEASE ACCEPT MY APOLOGIES: much more formal. Very polite. A form of words usually used by big business when customers complain about a poor service.Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience you suffered when the train failed to arrive on the time indicated in your ticket. Ways to Say Sorry in English - Infographic Enjoyed this infographic? Here’s what you can do next: WE TAKE/ACCEPT FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT HAPPENED: Again more formal and more likely to be used by a business or similar institution where they are clearly at fault  (responsible)  for some action or in-action.My company accepts full responsibility for the damage caused by our workers. They should have made sure that your car was protected from any possible damage.OH I CAN’T BELIEVE I JUST DID THIS!: a form of apology that we hear from time to time when somebody said or did something they should not have done.  Oh I cant believe i just said that what was i thinking. I am really sorry.MY MISTAKE! A quick apology when someone apologises immediately.  Someone picks up the wrong phone from a table or someone elses bag in the airport and realises they have someone elses property.  My mistake, sorry, I  wasnt paying attention.  I think this is your phone.  It looks just like mine!OH MY GOD! I’M REALLY SORRY, I DIDN’T SEE YOU THERE:  A very apologetic phrase perhaps when we push a door open and bump into someone by accident or when we are perhaps not looking where we are going and knock into someone with our suitcase or shopping trolley.And of course if you are stuck for words simply say it with flowers!! Always a good way to apologise. Just make sure you apologise at the right time. There will be time when saying SORRY may not make a difference!

Resume Writing 101

Resume Writing 101 professor-howdy.blogspot.com “Help! It says I need to include a resume!” As college students, we are incessantly told that we need to have a resume. Like a photo ID, we need to keep it updated and even carry it around, ready to brandish our Golden Ticket of employment at any given opportunity. Yet, just as we are often told to go to a professors office hours, it doesn’t mean we actually do it. As a sophomore, I’d never needed to present a resume until I stumbled upon the perfect job opportunity. Cover letter, resume and availability required, it read. I was left reeling: I had no idea where to begin, or what cover letter meant. So if you’re like me and managed to escape the plethora of resume writing workshops and pressing counselors, take your seat in Resume Writing 101. Let’s get down to business. Employers often ask for what’s called a cover letter to prelude your resume. As the first thing an employer will know about you, a cover letter is a short and sweet introduction to your resume and to you. Its purpose is to express your interest in the position, add a bit of personality, and to interpret but not repeat your resume. It shouldn’t be long depending on the position, it can be 3-5 paragraphs of varying length. Here’s a sample cover letter  for a college senior. Transforming a blank page into a full-blown resume really isnt as daunting as it sounds. Begin by making a list: rack your brain and think of any and all previous work experience, education, certifications, clubs or organizations you’ve joined, volunteer experiences, internships and leadership roles, and when you completed them. Even if it’s small maybe you volunteered with Pay-It-Forward two years ago write it down. This isn’t final you can decide what to include when you’re sending a final copy to an employer. Next, describe what you did in each activity. If you volunteered at a hospital over the summer, what duties did you perform? Shadow a doctor? Answer the phone? Be specific. Most importantly, determine what it took of you to perform those activities, and what skills you gained from each experience. Don’t think that the little things don’t count, because they do! Shadowing a doctor gives you experience in the workplace. Interacting with patrons hones clerical and communication skills. Now, organize your list of activities into categories: work experience, education/training, volunteer experience, and your interests, to name a few examples. Beneath each heading, include the specifics and outline skills gained/tasks performed for each duty. Keep it clear and concise about a page long. When that’s finished, check out some sample formats. Decide what you layout organization conveys your strengths and gets the message across to the employer best. Here’s some examples.  Then send it to a friend, faculty mentor or parent for review. And voilà! Finished before your Ramen comes out of the microwave (yeah, I know you do that too). Now when that perfect opportunity arises youll be ready, and your heart won’t stop when you see the R-word!